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25 janvier

IBENS transversal topics #1 - Machine learning in Biology



9h00-9h10 : Pierre Paoletti
9h10-9h40 : Auguste Genovesio (IBENS)

ML as an advanced tool for extracting experimental data
9h40-10h20 : Keynote : Thomas Walter (Mines-Paris, Institut Curie)
10h20-10h45 : Alan Tourancheau & Diletta Ciardo (IBENS, Hyrien team)
Uncovering DNA replication footprints with Nanopore sequencing
Coffee break (25’)
11h10-11h35 : Anthony Lourdiane (IBENS, Bourdieu team)
Inferring neural data sequences using Restricted Boltzmann Machines

ML to build statistical models of biological data
11h35-12h15 : Keynote : Simona Cocco (LPENS)
From sequence data to fitness predictions and design in proteins and nucleic acids
12h15-12h40 : David Stroebel (IBENS, Paoletti team, Protein platform)
Alphafold, a game changer in protein biology : Uses, limits and perspectives
Lunch break (Espace Curie, 1h20’)
14h-14h25 : Ethan Cohen (IBENS, Genovesio team)
Integrating Cell Painting and AI : A Novel Approach for Early-Stage Compound Pre-Selection
14h25-14h50 : Roy Elhourany (IBENS, Bowler team ; current affiliation : Univ. Littoral Côte d’Opale, Univ. Lille & CNRS)
Observing Phytoplankton Community Structure from Space Using Machine Learning Methods

From ML to theory
14h50-15h30 : Keynote : James Whittington (Stanford University & Oxford University)
How artificial and biological neural networks build schemas of sequences
Coffee break (20’)
15h50-16h15 : Jorge Cossio Diaz (JRC, PSL LPENS)
Designing molecular RNA switches with Restricted Boltzmann machines
16h15-16h40 : Sophia Lambert (IBENS, Morlon team ; current affiliation : University of Oregon, Eugene, USA)
Deep Learning from Phylogenies for Diversification Analyses
16h40-17h20 : Keynote : Srdjan Ostojic (DEC ENS)
Linking structure and function in recurrent neural network models of cognitive tasks
17h20-17h30 : Concluding remarks