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8 février

Otto X. CORDERO Towards principles of microbiome assembly and functioning

invité par Chris BOWLER - Section Ecologie et Biologie de l’Evolution


Le séminaire d’Otto X. CORDERO (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT, USA) aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

In this talk, I will discuss the ecological and physiological constraints that drive the assembly of microbial communities in the environment, especially in the context of the ocean, and will show how we can use data-intensive approaches to probe the quantitative relationship between community composition and metabolic function in a way that allow us to predict one from the other. During the talk, I will take the opportunity to give you glimpses of what I see as exciting new directions for my lab and the field.

Bio :
Otto X. Cordero received a B.S. in computer and electrical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Ecuador, an M.Sc. in artificial intelligence from Utrecht University, and a Ph.D. in theoretical biology, also from Utrecht University. In 2014 Cordero received the ERC Starting grant in Europe and in 2015 he moved to MIT, where he has since been a member of the faculty. Cordero is a past Sloan Fellow in Ocean Sciences and recipient of the Simons Early Career Award in Marine Microbial Ecology. He is the founder and co-director of the Simons Collaboration PriME, Principles of Microbial Ecosystems (