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21 avril

Ruth Empson Moderation of enhanced metabotropic glutamate receptor mediated synaptic signalling restores motor learning in a mouse model of human spino-cerebellar ataxia type 1, SCA1

12h à 13h30

Le séminaire de Ruth Empson aura lieu dans la salle Favard, IBENS 46 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris

Abstract : Cerebellar ataxias are not well treated. Here we identify enhanced mGluR1 signalling at cerebellar synapses in the early, pre-symptomatic stages of SCA1 using Purkinje neuron specific and inducible overexpression of ataxin-1 CAG repeats. Mild pharmacological moderation of mGluR1 restored motor learning in SCA1 mice and could provide a potential lead for treatment of the early stages of ataxia.